Soaring as a Parent

About the Book

Soaring As A Parent, Secrets to Being Great is written by a professional marriage and family counselor Dr. Judith Rolfs. Her suggestions will help you raise children you’ll love to be around and proud to take anywhere. This is a unique book of information, workable ideas and activities designed to get you where you only dreamed you could go as a parent.

Mindless parenting doesn’t work. Purposeful parenting does, plus it’s fun, and one of the most important things you’ll ever do. Pleasant, purposeful parenting is totally possible and truly delightful and once you know these secrets to being great.
Readers have said, “This parenting book is like none other. You’ll find topics like hassle-free behavior-shaping tips, methods for dealing with children’s fears, developing their creativity, and overcoming the battle of the wills. With these strategies and hands-on specific activities you can be the best parent on the block!”

Loving every minute as a parent, well almost every minute, isn’t that every parent’s desire? How to do this is the question – how to make parenting fantastic instead of frantic. Focused rather than fragmented.

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