Start Living
Imagine you had mentors from all over the world to help you. Men and women who specialized in their fields, sharing their wisdom, beliefs, and strategies with you.
You could learn from their mistakes, but also their successes. Life could be easier.
Many mentors have already poured out their knowledge and wisdom in books. Their knowledge is available, but people read, struggle to apply, and then put these books on a shelf.
We can change that. Our life coaching encourages and facilitates the application of the knowledge you gained from reading.
Even if you are not a reader, our life coaching and reflection sessions will help you enjoy life more by exposing you to strategies, wisdom, and insight from other mentors.
Discover My
I am married to Lizzy and have two daughters. We lead a church in Pretoria and spend much of our time preaching the Good News of God’s grace.
We founded ENJOY LIFE COMMUNITY for people who know that there is more to life. You are welcome to join us on this adventure.
Albie Jordaan
“Time is your friend if you use it wisely. Don’t wait till tomorrow.”
Reflection Sessions
Reflect on your life in an atmosphere of no judgment. Clarify your thoughts, emotions, beliefs, values, and behavior. Experience what it means to be accepted, supported, and understood. Reflection is a powerful way to increase your emotional intelligence.
Coaching Sessions
Life coaching is the art and practice of enabling individuals and groups to move from where they are to where they want to be. In our coaching, we lean strongly on the mentorship of those who have already had success in a specific area.
“When we reflect on our lives, we learn and transform.”
``In Short - I would recommend life coaching for Everyone!``
In Short – I would recommend life coaching for Everyone!!
Life coaching in general has taught me to dream again as I was feeling burnt out in my life and unsure of the future. Reflection has taught me a lot about myself and how the human brain behaves in different situations.
Every week I have grown emotionally and spiritually to cope with daily challenges in my working environment as well as my marriage and relationship with my children.
I have learned to live in the moment and find a positive way of thinking and to enjoy every moment. I started enjoying smaller stuff in life rather than materialistic items. Everyday is a privilege and not a right!
Every person should have short-term and long term goals irrespective of how big or how small it might be! As goals determine our dreams!
Reino Combrink
``Reflection helped us realise that we had been short sighted and we got caught up in the everyday pressure of doing business.``
Pepla has been making use of Albie’s services since April 2019, during this time we have realised we need to take time out of our busy schedule to plan on where we really want to be both on a personal level and as a company.
Reflection helped us realise that we have not been planning at all, and we had been short sighted and we got caught up in the everyday pressure of doing business. Reflection helped us gain a deep understanding of what we want, to gain direction and perception.
I would highly recommend Albie from Enjoy Life to help you and your business gain a better understanding of why you are doing what you are doing, and what is blocking you from reaching your personal and business goals.
Johan Combrink
``Ek het behoorlik ‘n gedaante (emosionele) verwisseling ondergaan.``
Ek luister nou na ander en het geleer om met empatie na ander te ‘kyk’ want ek weet nooit wat is húl storie voor hul dit nie vertel het nie. Ek praat minder en luister meer…
Ek het geleer om in ‘rus’ te gaan, wat nie altyd so maklik is, maar soms gebeur dit vanself en ek besef dit eers wanneer iemand sê: “maar jy is so kalm hieroor”.
My denkwyse oor God se genade vir ons almal, maak my anders oor mense dink. Ek ‘woman-down’ baie omdat ek nie meer myself hoef te bewys nie, want ek word deur God aanvaar net soos ek is!
Ek is vergewe en Hy is lief vir my. Ek begin met al hoe meer vryheid lewe en my ‘afvoel-tye’ is baie minder.
``Vir die eerste keer in my 53 jaar beleef ek vordering.``
Vir die eerste keer in my 53 jaar beleef ek vordering en met die genade van God party keer binne sekondes. Ons verkeerde ‘belief systems’ is so diep gewortel dat ons nie eers meer die waarheid sien of voel nie.
Hierdie is ook n informele platvorm waar mens gemaklik en vertroulik op n gemaklike manier al jou issues kan hanteer sonder n geprekery of moets en moenies. God het my so geseën met die hulp en Albie se leiding. Dit is n merkwaardige belewenis hoe die Heilige gees sekere goed onmidelik in jou lewe regstel.
Karin van Niekerk
The reflection sessions have enabled me to understand myself better and deal with unresolved emotions. This in turn has allowed me to walk in more freedom and peace than I have ever experienced before.
Rozanne Gorton
Albie and Enjoy Life Community offer high quality services by helping people and companies that struggle or flourish to discover that there is more to life. I can confirm that the model of reflection that is used, work well and cause positive and corrective change with the people exposed to the model.